Sibling Sharing

Jeff jess toys in crib march 77My older brother was four, I was almost a year old, and he had things to show me. Kids want to know that they are important. They want to help, feel proud, and play. When a new sibling enters the household, it can leave the older sibling feeling less important.

I don’t know how my parents prepared my older brother for my arrival, but I’ve heard the stories and seen the photographic evidence (see above) of his enthusiasm to share and ‘help’ me. I remember how I felt when our younger brother came home- excited! I suppose my older brother felt similarly. He would bring me so many toys, put them in my crib, and then climb in with me, leaving little room for either of us.

I’m grateful that our parents let this happen, because, even though we had our share of rough patches during the pre-teen and teen years, we were able to develop a bond during early childhood that would always bring us back together. This is true for all three of us, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


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