10 Favorite Songs for Children

music and movement

Growing up, songs and finger plays were threaded throughout my learning experiences. One I remember vividly, Mairzy Doats, was the highlight song of my fourth grade year. The song has an elastic quality to it as it is sung, and you can’t help but move to the tune. When I became a preschool teacher I was reintroduced to many of my favorite childhood songs, and learned some new favorites. That was almost 20 years ago, and some of those songs have stuck with me. I continue to use them professionally, because why mess with what works? Here is a list of my top 10 favorite songs and finger plays.

Open Shut Them


Twinkle Little Star

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Where is Thumbkin

Hickory Dickory Dock

There Were Ten In The Bed

Three Little Fishies

A Tisket A Tasket

Mr. Sun

I often choose to modify songs to fit the needs of the children. For example, I integrate children’s names into songs to heighten their attention and connection, or change some of the words to fit an experience. Singing songs is a great way to ease transitions for children (bedtime, hand washing, diaper changing, good byes, chores). When I need a break from singing, I use recorded songs by Ella Jenkins, Raffi, and Greg and Steve, or I will use instrumental music like big band, jazz, and classical. Whether singing with children or interacting with them during recorded music, it is the time with the parent or caregiver and other children that makes the difference for a child.

What was your favorite song as a child?


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